This page provides details of where to obtain fishing access on the river Torridge.
The Half Moon Inn, Sheepwash – 01409 231 376
The Half Moon has access to 7 miles of the Torridge and provides salmon, sea trout and brown trout fishing. Day tickets are usually available. Accommodation also available.
The Little Warham Fishery – 01805 603317
Little Warham has 2 miles of fishing on the middle Torridge for salmon, sea trout and brown trout. Self catering cottage available. Day tickets when available.
The Westcountry Angling Passport
This scheme is managed by the Westcountry Rivers Trust, with access to various beats on the Torridge as well as other Westcountry rivers and streams, with an online booking system.
The Torridge Fly Fishing Club – 07491 931003
For still water Rainbow trout fishing on Gammaton reservoir near Bideford. Day tickets available.